In the last decade, there has been a significant increase in wireless data requirements pushing the operating frequency of complex devices to the mmWave spectrum. However, these frequencies result in higher path loss than microwave frequencies, making the use of GHz wireless antennas impractical. To achieve more efficient performance at such frequencies, high-gain phased array antennas are a superior option for providing better spatial coverage with low loss.
Watch this webinar to learn how XF’s 5G array analysis features are instrumental to antenna designers in optimizing the radiation and beam steering characteristics of antenna arrays to meet the demands of 5G communication systems.
Perform superposition simulation for antenna arrays.
Perform array optimization analysis for estimating phase values for EIRP beamforming.
Evaluate CDF of EIRP and max hold results.
Compute averaged power density consistent with the IEC/IEEE 63195-2 CDV.
Utilize encryption and hiding of geometry ensuring IP protection when sharing models.
Add related project entities (geometry, circuit components, sensors, etc.) to libraries as a bundle and access them across projects.