- Applications
- Microwave
Microwave Device Simulation Software & Components
Remcom's XFdtd software is well-suited for any microwave device design or analysis task.
Whether the application is waveguides, power dividers, filters, couplers, or the like, XFdtd can provide quick, efficient, and accurate EM simulation results.

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Application Examples
Simulating a Beam Scanning Substrate Integrated Waveguide Leaky Wave Antenna in XFdtd
We simulate the performance of a leaky wave antenna implemented on a slotted substrate integrated waveguide. The antenna produces narrow beams that scan from near broadside to endfire as the frequency increases. The antenna has a wide impedance bandwidth and efficiency that improves with an increase in the operating frequency.
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Simulating Performance of a Low Cost, Chipless RFID System in XFdtd
This example uses XFdtd to simulate the performance of a low cost, chipless RFID system. The RFID tag is comprised of two ultrawide band monopole disk antennas mounted in a cross-polarized configuration combined with a microstrip line adjacent to six varying size spiral resonators which each represent a single bit in the RFID tag code. The system is validated using two cross-polarized log periodic dipole arrays as the send and receive devices.
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Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter with CSRRS
A band-pass filter is simulated showing the use of substrate integrated waveguides in XF.
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Tuning a Microstrip Lens in Rotman Lens Designer (RLD) and Options for Importing to XFdtd
In this video, a Remcom engineer walks through the steps to set up and tune a Ku Band microstrip lens in Rotman Lens Designer (RLD). Included is a discussion of the various options for exporting the file and importing into XFdtd EM Simulation Software, including the use of a customized script to automatically set up the ports and include the material properties.
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How to Build a Rectangular Waveguide in XFdtd
This video is a tutorial that shows a rectangular waveguide being built using XF’s modeling techniques. You will learn how to use XF’s built-in materials library, create the waveguide interface, solve for and display lowest-order TE modes, and display the field results.
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Waveguide Ports in XFdtd
This short video clip highlights the waveguide ports feature in XF.
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Area Source Design for Exciting a Microstrip Line in an FDTD Simulation
An area source for exciting a microstrip line in an FDTD simulation is proposed and studied in this paper.
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Development Of Simple Affordable Beamformers For Army Platforms
Click on the title to view or download this publication.
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Rotman Lens Design for Millimeter-Wave Sensor Application
This paper demonstrates the design of Rotman lens for ESM sensor application in operation band 32-38 GHz. The initial design is created in Remcom’s Rotman Lens Designer and then verified against experimental measurements. Parameters of the realized prototype are presented and methods of increasing its performance are outlined.
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