- Methods
Remcom's Electromagnetic Simulation Tools & Numerical Methods
Explore the core numerical methods utilized in Remcom’s software products. Remcom’s EM analysis products are used for a wide range of applications, requiring a variety of numerical methods to cover all of your EM challenges, from the simple to the technically complex.
Several EM solvers and ray-tracing techniques work together to ensure a comprehensive design and analysis process, from device design and antenna placement to EM propagation and wireless communication system analysis.


Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method (FDTD)
While many electromagnetic simulation techniques are applied in the frequency-domain, FDTD solves Maxwell’s equations in the time domain. This means that the calculation of the electromagnetic field values progresses at discrete steps in time. One benefit of the time domain approach is that it gives broadband output from a single execution of the program; however, the main reason for using the FDTD approach is the excellent scaling performance of the method as the problem size grows. As the number of unknowns increases, the FDTD approach quickly outpaces other methods in efficiency.
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Ray-Tracing Methods
Ray-tracing methods use discrete rays to represent advancing wavefronts as they propagate from a transmitter through a scene. Rays interact with geometry in the scene through reflections, diffractions, and transmissions. The two dominant ray-tracing methods are Shooting-and-Bouncing Rays and Image Theory. Remcom’s software combines these two methods to leverage the advantages of each.
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XFdtd’s Electrostatic Solver
Remcom’s static solver module is a second-order solver which works with the same geometry and grid used for time-domain computations and is compatible with the time-domain solver. In addition to fully static problems, the solver may be used to compute initial conditions for a time-domain simulation, such as those involving time-varying switches or nonlinear electric or magnetic materials.
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Contact Remcom today for a customized solution to your most complex electromagnetic challenges.
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