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- Wireless InSite
- Antenna Modeling
Antenna Modeling Software
Wireless InSite offers several ways to specify the radiation pattern and polarization of an antenna.

A user can select from a number of built-in antenna models, design a MIMO antenna using the MIMO array builder, or import antenna patterns generated from measurements or full-wave antenna-design tools such as Remcom’s XFdtd. Antennas with an associated waveform are required for both transmitters and receivers. The direction of the main beam and the rotation about the main beam can be specified, as can a noise figure, reflection efficiency factor, and a cable loss factor. In the antennas properties window, the gain pattern can be viewed using a specified waveform in vertical, horizontal, left-hand circular and right-hand circular polarizations as well as the total gain.
Wireless InSite antenna modeling software includes the following built-in models:
- Omnidirectional
Short dipole
Linear dipole
Half-wave dipole
Ideal monopole
- Linear monopole
Axial mode helix
Circular and rectangular loops
Circular and rectangular apertures
Circular and rectangular microstrip patch
Pyramidal horn and sectoral horns
Parabolic reflector
Wireless InSite MIMO contains an array builder which allows users to design an n-element sized MIMO array. This tool also gives users control over individual elements of the array such as positioning, antenna pattern, and rotation. The MIMO antenna offers many different types of analytical patterns and can also utilize imported patterns obtained from measurements or generated by high-fidelity array simulations from a full-wave solver, such as Remcom’s XFdtd. The XFdtd import includes the ability to import full MIMO array definitions, including not just the antenna patterns, but also the element positions, codebooks, and multi-port S-parameters to capture the effects of mutual coupling.
Wireless InSite can import antenna pattern data from Odyssey, MSI planet, and Remcom's UAN files, which are compatible with XFdtd and allow users to create user-defined antenna patterns. This can include frequency-specific patterns, and as described above for MIMO systems, a full configuration of patterns, antenna element positions, and S-parameter data for mutual coupling.

Note: Please contact support@remcom.com to inquire about other file format support.
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