Approximate MR image visual output type.
XFdtd was designed to support the way you work by keeping track of every simulation you do for each project. Results from other projects or past simulations can be added to graphs, viewed in 3D, post-processed, or exported to text, MATLAB, or CSV files. The Results Browser in XF is completely customizable, and filtering and searching tools make it easy to find exactly what you're looking for with a few clicks.
Visual Output
Planes, surfaces and volumes of output shown with input geometry
E/H/B, conduction current, rotating B near fields, in addition to dissipated power density
3D far field patterns of E, gain, realized gain, axial ratio, radar cross section
Hearing aid compatibility, SAR, MR transmit efficiency, and approximate MR image outputs
Graphical Output
Near zone fields/currents vs. time
Impedance, S-Parameters vs. frequency, VSWR, Active VSWR
Polar plot antenna patterns
Smith chart impedance plots
FFT of transient results
Group Delay output type
Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) and Time Domain Transmission (TDT) output types
Dissipated Power Density
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