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- XFdtd
- High Performance Computing Options
High Performance Computing Options for Every User
Improve EM simulation performance using the most modern high-performance computing technologies available.

Remcom is dedicated to increasing the productivity and creative options of design engineers and EM professionals through the most advanced electromagnetic simulation software and the latest HPC technologies. We are continually innovating to make XF faster and able to leverage maximum computing resources with every release. Our industry-leading EM acceleration is a powerful tool to shorten your development time and release your products to market sooner.
Remcom offers acceleration options for installations of all sizes. Whether you have a single computer with one GPU or access to multi-GPU clusters, we have a solution to make your XF simulations more efficient.
XStream GPU Acceleration
XStream tremendously improves EM simulation performance by leveraging the powerful graphics processing units (GPUs) available in modern video cards to make ultra-fast numerical computations. XStream enables XF calculations to finish in minutes as compared to hours or even days using a CPU only.
Message Passing Interface (MPI) Technology for CPU and GPU Clusters
Take advantage of multiple computers in a cluster by distributing XF calculations among them. Remcom offers a special licensing option for MPI capability for those that have the ability to set up a computer cluster.
In addition, we offer MPI + XStream. This technology distributes calculations among the graphics processing units (GPUs) in a cluster as opposed to CPUs only. Linking multiple GPU clusters in parallel results in tremendous increases in processing speed and available memory.
Unlimited Memory Support
XF has no memory limits for the size of EM simulations. Simulate massive problems exceeding billions of cells that were previously impossible to run in commercial EM simulation tools. Simulation spaces are limited only by available hardware and may be over one hundred wavelengths per side.
Remcom has prepared examples demonstrating simulations that were previously impractical due to memory constraints and enormous computation times on CPU-based platforms:
Analysis of WiFi Propagation in Aircraft Interior Using MPI + GPU Technology
Multiprocessor Technology
Most modern computers now contain multiple processor cores and the ability to parallelize execution of multiple program threads to run at the same time. XF takes advantage of this technology to greatly speed calculations across all available processors on the same computer. This is a standard included capability of the product.
Save time and reduce costs.
Contact Remcom today for a customized solution to your most complex electromagnetic challenges.
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